Today there is much uncertainty about the history of Chaldeans and other Christian populations from the Middle East.
In order to explain this history, we have to dive into this matter in depth, as it has a complex and very broad background.
We do this from an objective point of view and with respect for the treated identities. This informative medium has the ultimate goal of creating a support base on this subject. Our goal is to bring the right information to the interested persons.
We refer especially to those who hopelessly end up searching for information on this subject on subjective and misinformed sources on the internet.
All that is published here, of course, consists of objective information, which comes not just from the internet, but rather from works by historians and academics. We also always use source reference, so that every reader can verify everything.
We reflect, as the definition of ‘history’ is, the story that describes all the events around our identity and that of the other Christian populations from the Middle East.
All this does not alter the fact that we have to approach some matters critically.
Historical book abused by Assyrian nationalist from Mechelen
/in Articles (English), History /by Kristof NasIntroduction On February 27, 2024, an Assyrian nationalist from Mechelen published a message via social media in which he announced that he had written a letter. In the letter he refers to an attached document. In this document, according to him at least, the Vatican would speak out about the origin of the modern Assyro-Chaldeans […]
Six untruths about the Chaldeans
/in History /by Kristof NasThe Chaldean identity was made up or invented. A general explanatory dictionary teaches us that the verbs ‘make up’ and ‘invent’ mean that one thinks up or imagines something new. Chaldeans are a Semitic people of Mesopotamia with roots dating back to prehistoric times. “Assyrian nationalists” should know that, because it was Nabopolassar, a […]
Chaldeans in Northern Mesopotamia
/in History /by Kristof NasIntroduction As a result of the name conflict between the Eastern Christians, all kinds of theories are being sent out into the world. Theories formed by the selective use of historical information. Such theories form the basis of endless discussions and hinder the unity between the Christian population groups in the Middle East. One of […]
Chaldeans in Belgium
/in History /by Kristof NasWhether they identify themselves as Chaldeans, Assyrians or Arameans, one thing they all have in common, namely their liturgical and linguistic heritage. They are Christians from the Middle East (South-East Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran) who have been the victims of persecution and oppression for the sake of their faith since the beginning of Christianity. After […]
Name conflict eastern Christian
/in History /by Kristof NasIntroduction Since the end of the 19th century, Christians from ancient Mesopotamia, such as Chaldeans, Arameans, Assyrians etc., are confronted with name conflicts that have persisted to this day. These name conflicts have always been the result of schisms and the disputes within this framework have evolved from a religious historical background to an ethnically-historical […]
Suraye does not mean Ashuraye
/in History /by Kristof NasIntroduction The theory that the neo-Aramaic term ‘Suraye’ comes from the Akkadian term ‘Ashuraye’ and is therefore synonymous, is a common theory to convince that Christians in the Middle East, often known as ‘Suraye’ (Syriac), are the ethnic descendants from the ancient Assyrians. We deliberately describe this as a ‘theory’, because this has in […]
Assyrian nationalism
/in History /by Kristof NasIntroduction Assyrian nationalism[1] is a phenomenon that started in the second half of the 19th century and has seen a great advance during the 20th century. This nationalist movement has been the result of an aspiration for a national consciousness for the Christians in the Middle East. However, the re-use of the name Assyrians […]